Back at it again with cultural codes! We are continuing our series with cross cultural expert Andy Molinsky.  Andy’s series is highlighting the cultural codes of 10 countries. The country of choice today is Germany.

Germany is a great power and has the world’s fourth-largest economy by nominal GDP, as well as the fifth-largest by PPP. As a global leader in several industrial and technological sectors, it is both the world’s third-largest exporter and importer of goods. Germany is a developed country with a very high standard of living sustained by a skilled and productive society. It upholds a social security and universal health care system, environmental protection and a tuition-free university education.

Andy uses the following six-dimensional framework to capture the differences across cultures.

  1. Directness: How straightforwardly do people typically communicate in this culture?
  2. Enthusiasm: How much positive emotion and energy do they typically show?
  3. Formality: How much deference and respect do people typically demonstrate?
  4. Assertiveness: How strongly do people typically express voice their opinions?
  5. Self-Promotion: How acceptable is it for people to speak about their accomplishments?
  6. Personal Disclosure: How much do people typically reveal about themselves?

Be sure to grab Andy’s free E-book for mastering 10 cultural codes from around the world:

If you missed last week’s episode on France, check it out here.

Without further ado, check it out here or below:

