Today’s interview is with Marcela Fernandez. Marcela is the founder of On Board and best described as a life-long education-hacking journeyer who enjoys meeting people and new cultures. She has helped victims of natural disasters, e.g. typhoon Yolanda in 2013 (PhilippiNOW), and was confronted with human tragedies of war.

Now 25 she has visited 45 countries, lived in 7 of them, and learned 6 languages (French, Spanish, Italian, English, Portuguese and German).

She’s on a journey to live out and prove that non-traditional educational paths can be viable options for young people by creating her career as a Flow Consultant. With “EduAction” she’s working on a documentary as a side-project about alternative education projects as a way to spend your gap year or replace it for a formal university path.

Being passionate about making the world better, she’s now co-creating On Board, a mobile outdoor classroom where mindful, continuously moving students learn, travel and make an impact in the communities they visit.

Absolute love her mission. Check out her website here.

Listen to the episode here or below:

